
The Ultimate Guide to the fashion of Doctor Who

Cosplay Everyday.



Outside the Tardis-Pearl Mackie Gay Times Honours

Pearl Mackie recently attended the Gay Times Honours, alongside her fiancĂ©, Kam Chhokar. Pearl rented her gorgeously playful corset top from Hurr. Renting posh frocks or tops in this case, is a trend that's really gathering momentum at the moment.... Continue Reading →

Outside the Tardis-Pearl Mackie Fabric Magazine 2018

So far I've featured alot of yellow as a pop of colour for November, but this time I've decided to lift the feed with a altogether dark hue...this sentence has gotten away from me a bit. Anyway, I've decided to... Continue Reading →

13th Doctor-New Costume

Okay, so I have decided to be brave and put together a cosplay version of the 13th Doctor’s new costume that I think would be wearable in real life. I am still not entirely taken with the new costume, but... Continue Reading →

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