Happy New Year Blog Readers…

I hope you all had a wonderful festive period.

To celebrate 2020 and the fact that The Doctor and the Fam will be returning to our screens tonight, I thought I would dedicate my first post of the new year to The Doctor’s James Bond inspired look.


Let’s put the look together, and remember as with all of my everyday cosplays this is not an exact copy of The Doctor’s costume.

The Coat.

The Doctor has swapped her duster coat for something altogether darker and tailored.


shoppingTux Maxi Coat-ASOS 85.00

shoppingHadi Black Satin Trimmed Tuxedo Coat-Reiss 120.00


shoppingTailored Tuxedo Coat-Victoria Beckham 1750.00

The Doctor pairs her tuxedo style overcoat with a classic white tailored shirt, which really suits her.

shoppingWhite Poplin Semi-Formal Shirt-Hawes & Curtis 19.95

shoppingWhite Cotton Shirt-Jigsaw 79.00


The Doctor’s faithful culottes are still a part of her outfit, however instead of being teal they are grey/black depending on the light a promotional picture.

shoppingThe Tailored Wide Leg Culotte-Boohoo.com 12.00

shoppingTailored Wide Leg Culottes-Hush 45.00

You can find a link to the makers of The Doctor’s bowtie in this festive post-here.